Thursday, March 27, 2014

Are we asking too much from the animal models?

Are we asking too much from the animal models?
I guess the answer is yes. From the controversial Rat Park, where Dr.Alexander tried to emulate "human" social conditions in order to study addiction, we have been claiming that we translate the results that we found in rodents to humans. Also the experiments in non human primates have been subject of manipulation, trying to appeal the similarities with men.
Are we just wasting thousands of animal lives in studies that are going no where, that are lacking controls and bringing empty results?
Well, the amount of animal killed without even been used in experiments is alarming. This creatures are eliminated just because they were sharing a facility venue with infected or "potentially hazardous" animals. So, without any functionality hundreds of lives are sacrificed because of bad experimental planing and lack of regulation.
As researchers we should take more seriously the animal use in science, why not treating your mouse/rat/hamster/ferret/monkey/dog/cat/horse/duck/pig etc... as you would like you childhood pet to be treated: with respect!

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